Fertility Support
As a fertility patient over a decade ago, I struggled with finding the resources for helping me and my husband navigate the emotional roller coaster of making decisions for our treatments and for coping with the loss, disappointment and transition between different paths for building our family. I was inspired to help other couples through this very emotionally and physically draining process and committed my career to helping others to integrate mind, body and spirit throughout their journey.
Equine assisted therapy is an experiential process for understanding your deepest emotions, for finding clarity and for connecting with your body to heal and relax your mind, body and soul. This modality can bring you and your partner to a deeper connection and help to maintain the emotional bond and communication as you process this challenging time together. The fertility journey can often bring up a plethora of emotions that can overwhelm you and add to the physical challenges of conceiving. This experience will offer tools for practicing staying connected to your body and help to release some of the emotional blocks that may be contributing to your infertility.
My program offers a unique modality for exploring your heart's desire of making a family and I am privileged to provide support to so many of you who are traveling this familiar road. My wish for you is that you too can find peace during this difficult time.
If you would like to know more about my personal journey, you can read my story below published through Women for One organization.